Thank you for the information.  See my comments below.
Dr. Mike
>Thanks for your reply.  I hope you can understand how I feel about these
>ferrets, after trying to work with this PetsMart they won't take any
>'outside' help.
* I appreciate your offer of assistance but stores are instructed to not
accept 2nd party assistance as a rule.  We have very specific policies
and procedures for the associates to follow.  Those P&P are updated and
edited as indicated by new information, or by imput from knowledgable
sources.  A good example is the changes that have been made based on
recommendations by members of the IFC.
>I am really frustrated and upset at the sale of these kits, they were
>extremely small when I saw them.  I recently went back and they grew
>twice as big and they were still pretty small.
* I am investigating your concers now that I know what store was
>I just don't see why PetsMart cannot wait until the ferrets are older to
>vaccinate them, and why they can't contact ferret shelters for their
>adoption program.
* I have already established relationships with local ferret shelters in
areas where we sell ferrets.  We will be happy to do so in NM as well.
>I have read in numerous places rabies shots should be given after 12
>weeks of age, at least.  Please explain this.
* Without going into alot of detail, vaccine licensing is based on the
age of the animals the clinical trials was based upon.  The license, and
age of vaccination, is based on this along with some other data.  In the
case of ferrets, all vaccine trials were based upon those of dogs and
cats.  I have addressed the reasons why we vaccine early in other posts.
It is for the safety of the ferrets.  Given the age at which the ferrets
are shipped, maternal antibodies will no longer interfer with the immune
systems processing of the vaccine.
>As for the habitat, they can't reach their cubes.  I watched them
>struggle to get in but they couldn't reach it.  They sleep in their
>tubes because they cant reach the cube and its hard for them to climb
>out of the top of the tube.  I also don't see a lot of ventilation, I
>have no idea where it is.  I am sorry if I came off as rude, I am not
>trying to be, I am just really, really, angry at the sale of these
* I will investigate the size issue.  In all trials of various sizes of
ferrets 8.5-9 weeks of age, none had trouble moving throughout the
habitat.  As far as ventilation goes, the entire habitat is actively
ventilated by fans located at the top of the unit with ventilation ducts
throughout the back.
>The PetsMart I am referring to is the PetsMart on Coors in ABQ, NM.
>Please look into it.
>Thanks, Krista
[Posted in FML issue 4882]