Thanks for message.  Responses below
Dr. Mike (difficult to reach due to 8 day a week 24 hour a day day job)
>I do shop at Petsmart but am concerned at some of some of the ferret
>food products offered.  Although Dr. Mike has made it somewhat difficult
>to reach him directly, he offers a true advantage over other outlets by
>his participation in this forum where he seems to listen to our concerns
>and needs for the benefit of us and our animals.
* As has been mentioned, I am working with our buyers and numerous food
manufactures to provide appropriate, high quality, ferret specific
designed foods and especially treats.  This will be a slow process as
the food makers are working with very old paradigms (I hate that word
but works in this context) and alot of re-education and change in focus
needs to occur.  You will see much better treats and some new food
additions shortly.
>Petsmart offers good prices and excellent clean facilities.  The new
>one here in Mechanicsville is well stocked with ferret products among
>those for other pets.  For Petsmart to offer a contact for concerns is
>excellent and to respond to us is more than reasonable.  Hopefully by
>removing those food products that are dangerous the manufacturers of
>such items will loose sales enough to change ingredients to acceptable
>and safe levels.
* Always happy to receive impute, observations and thoughts.  Just
remember that I cannot always reply to every posting.
>Thank you Dr. Mike for your presence and efforts to culture an
>acceptable line of products for our pets.
> Gordon and Byte-me
[Posted in FML issue 4880]