Our mail ferret has adrenal problems that just became noticeable in the
last few weeks.  He got a ferratonin implant last Monday.  Saturday
morning, when we got them all up, he had a mass of fur, about 3" by 3",
missing from his side and his belly.  There is still short fur there, but
no long fur.  At first, we thought he licked the fur off from itching so
much, but he really hasn't been itching any more than normal and,
actually, probably a little less since he got the implant.  We do have a
female who loves to groom this particular male ferret and they were
sleeping in the same spot that morning.  We have never had a situation
like this come up.  I called the vet and said he had licked off his fur,
before I considered it may be the female, and the vet wants to see him as
she doesn't understand this either.  Does anyone have any thoughts on
Debbie Whorley
[Posted in FML issue 4866]