>I read in the latest issue of Ferrets magazine about the breakthroughs
>they're having in using Melatonin to treat adrenal disease ... I was
>looking to see what people's experiences have been using Melatonin
http://www.melatek.net/pages/1/index.htm    (manufacturer of Ferretonin
Because my schedule does not allow for me to be home during the early
afternoon hrs. of the day to orally administer melatonin to my two
6.5 yr. old adrenal ferrets (optimum time is 6-7 hrs. after sunrise),
I've opted for the melatonin implants for one of them, Phoebe.  She had
adrenal surgery last September and I began her on monthly Lupron shots in
Feb. of this year when I realized that the sparse hair on her butt/lower
back wasn't growing back in.
She just received her first implant earlier this month so I'm hoping the
combination of Lupron and melatonin will help with the hair regrowth.  As
for cost, my vet charged $60.00 for the implant procedure (which included
the standard $35.00 office visit) and although that was more than I
expected, his office was the only one in my area that felt comfortable
and confident enough to order the implants and do the procedure.
Hope this helps -
Jennifer and the 3 Amigos  :-)
[Posted in FML issue 4866]