Marguerite writes
> Linda Iroff  writes:
>> Unfortunately, education does not work.
>You are Dead Wrong here.  If you plug away at something, things do get
>changed.  But yes, they take time and sometimes alot of time.
Sometimes a seemingly infinite amount of time.  I'm not willing to wait
while more ferrets are potentially harmed from the wrong food and treats
if we have other options.
But you are right, education is VERY important and it CAN work.  I just
think it may be more efficient to educate from the other end.  We have
the extraordinary opportunity to educate the big pet store chains and
change what they do.
>If they don't get the Yoggies in the ferret section, they will get
>them in the cat, dog or small animal section.  Or worse yet, take there
>business to another local petstore who has not removed that item.
But if the major chains don't carry them, the manufacturer's will be
forced to come up with better alternatives or go out of business.  They
can't survive just selling to the mom and pop stores.
We can't stop someone from going to the dog or cat or hamster section of
the store, but we can stop the products from being marketed and sold as
for ferrets.  I saw a treat on a web site the other day that had pictures
of a ferret and parrot on it!  Can you imagine ANYTHING that would be
appropriate for both!?  It's like marketing the same thing for dog and
horse, or fish and cat.
>You can say processed foods are not good either.  Feed raw/live diet.
>That is what alot of people in Europe do and their numbers are way down
>on issues of getting sick.  But this would require alot more work and
>mess and it is so much easier getting the kibble.
Excellent point (though other issues beside diet are likely involved).
We Americans like our convenience and availability.  Ferret specific
kibbles were available here before in other countries so we are more
likely to use them than other countries.  I think it IS possible to
create better (but still convenient) foods and treats for our ferrets.
We just have to convince the manufacturers that it is necessary.
>they are WONDERFUL pets who provide hours and hours of comic relief!
Amen to that!
Linda Iroff
International Ferret Congress
[Posted in FML issue 4875]