>From:    Dianne Rohowicz <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Frontline & Ear Mites.
>It seems really strange to me that anyone would use Frontline for
>ear mite treatment when it goes totally against the manufacturer's
>recommendations.  Unless of course it is only in Australia that
>Frontline is for the treatment of fleas alone. ...
We have never used anything else other than Ivermectin here and it's
extremely effective and a general all rounder for the other things such
as worms and so on.
But FRONTLINE SPAY... ONE FULL SPRAY IN EACH EAR!  that's over 1ml inside
your ferrets ears, ear mites can damage the inner ear already causing
irritation and then someone goes and squirts over 1ml inside the poor
things ears!
Those of you that use Frontline spay will know what it's like if you get
in the smallest of cuts on your hand!  it stings like crazy, so putting
into any ferrets ears would have to be a big no, no for me anyway.  A
"small" number of people here in the UK have stated that their vets
openly use and recommend the use of Frontline for ear mites, yet when
these vets are contacted for confirmation of this treatment they know
nothing about it being used in this manner and wouldn't even consider
using it in this way.
We have discovered here that we have a "tiny" number of people that are
far more interested in their own agendas than the welfare of the ferrets.
[Posted in FML issue 4874]