Hi everyone,
I want to let you know that Nibbles is going in for surgery on Thursday
this week.  Our vet indicated that she needs to have surgery as soon as
possible so we went ahead and scheduled it.  She is adrenal and has
insulinoma.  There may be other medical problems but we won't know that
until the surgery.  We are still working on raising funds to help cover
everything.  However, I am writing to ask for prayers, good thoughts and
healing energies for her.
As you will recall, Nibbles and her brother, Oscar, were relinquished to
the shelter because after 6 or so years the owner had become allergic to
their ferrets.  Nibbles is a very, very sweet girl.  She loves to give
kisses and grooms me all the time.  She and her brother have decided they
like sleeping with me.  It is very comforting to have the two of them
sleeping with me each night.  Nibbles will start kissing and grooming
me in the middle of the night to wake me up when she wants off the bed.
She's one smart girl!
Nibbles is at least 6 years old and has several health problems in
addition to her physical handicap.  She has problems walking.  She does
have a very strong spirit and is quite active when she is awake.  I am
hoping her strong spirit will see her through the surgery and that the
surgery will help her.
Please keep Nibbles in your thoughts this week.  Her brother, Oscar, and
I would appreciate it very much.
Thank you,
[Posted in FML issue 4874]