>From:    Anne Willingham <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: misinformation
>Some lady on another message board that I play on posted a warning that
>gerbils, hamsters and FERRETS carry salmonella
Ferrets CAN carry salmonella.  Salmonella is not restricted to reptiles,
birds, or rodents.  Kittens, hedgehogs, ducklings, as well as reptiles,
birds and HUMANS can carry salmonella.... I think you'd be hard-pressed
to name an animal that does NOT have that *risk*.
>I think I just blew her head off my rebuttal was so quick.  Oooo... I
>hate it when idiots spread information without checking it first.
I think *you* need to check out information before you impress yourself
with how you "blew her head off" with a quick rebuttal.
>At least read up before posting junk like that!!!!
Yes, great idea...
[Posted in FML issue 4871]