I want to thank, from the bottom of my heart, Judy, Linda, Julie and
the MANY, many volunteers for the IFC for putting together yet ANOTHER
fantastic time.  Thank you Renee for DONATING and cooking the food for
the SOS picnic in the park.  Although mommie never made it out, many
people don't know just how much you did.
mommie had lots of fun kissing stuff.  Geez, i thought her lips were
gonna fall off when she started kissing Travis's stuffed Black Footed
Ferret!  Then Saturday night, Donna came out dressed as a person sized
ferret and well, mommie had to kiss her too!
i've been visiting auntie Lisa in her sleep while she was going through
the ordeal with her broken leg.  she never knows i'm there, but i've been
watching over her.  i do hope she feels better soon - mommie wanted to
thank you for the great back rub!!!
Auntie Alicia's Airport Diner woes were mirrored by many.  There was the
lady who's strawberries were dumped on her boyfriend and the waitress who
yelled at the ferret lover who ordered salad.  i think they were just
overwhelmed by so many guests at once!  So uncle Bob, next year in
Toronto, we'll get ya cooking for Alicia since you offered <grin>
BAD auntie Linda for embarrassing mommie with that award!  i think she is
still red in the face.  You made her cry and she loves you all for what
you said.
mommie had many favorite moments at this year's symposium, way too many
to mention.  What she will remember most is the kindness and compassion
of many ferret people, stuck together in the love of their babies all
hugging and laughing and having a ball.  Thank you IFC volunteers for
another fun and terrific time.
My love to you all,
Harley "Bug"
The Ferret Aid Society "For the Love of our Fuzzy Friends"
[Posted in FML issue 4868]