Sharon Bearden wrote:
 ....Not a woman at all but a man wearing a CA Fish and Game hat and
uniform.  Lil Bear, Snowflake, Ghost and Komet all gasped at the same
time.  They all knew as well as the Oracle that the CA Fish and Game
threatened the very existence of ferrets everywhere.  For if they had
their way there would be not a ferret frolicking happily anywhere.  What
a sad life it would be for all humans but the CA Fish and Game didn't
worry about that-they only cared about carrying out their own evil plans.
The Great Oracle knew what had to be done.  As all the ferrets watched
in silence, she lifted her staff and made the evil person disappear.
With that all the ferrets started dancing and dooking around happily.
But then the Oracle spoke, "little ones your journey is not over and you
are not out of danger yet".  "We must get you safely out of the forest
and back to your homes", she said with a smile on her face.  Lil Bear,
Snowflake, Ghost and Komet all nodded in agreement.
Handed off to Stephanie Grant.
The Great Oracle shook her mighty stick, making the hairball dance in the
air, and her little wagon appeared, much larger and grander than before,
it had lots of soft pillows.  As the Oracle & the 4 little ferrets hopped
in, they were pleasantly surprised to see there was plenty of room for
everyone, even the Oracle had a place in her wagon.  When everyone
settled in, the Oracle shook her stick again and lots of "sparkly stuff "
fell everywhere and turned into yummy treats, "For the road home".  Her
wagon suddenly roared loudly and the Oracle said "not to worry, we must
hurry and get you all home, so I'm shifting the wagon into overdrive."
They promised each other to keep in touch.  They all exchanged e-mails.
The treats were divine and not before long, as they watch the forest zoom
past them, they all fell fast asleep.
Snowflake woke up, the next morning, in her own comfy hammie.  There
looking at her was her own sweet mommy.  Oh Mommy, mommy, I'm home!
Jumping up & covering her mommy's face with sweet kisses.  "My sweet
little angel, what are you talking about?" You've been here all the time.
Snowflake shook herhead, no I uh, how could this be?  Was it all just a
dream?  She got down and looked around (checking out her stash pockets,
making sure nothing had changed, and then she saw, tucked in her hammie,
some sparkling treats and a note with 3 names and e-mails.  Snowflake
thought maybe for Mommy's sake it's best not to tell her and she hurried
off to find her mommy sitting at her computer reading her e-mail.  "Oh
Snowflake, you have e-mail".
The end!
If you would like to be a part of the next story....please let me know
Judy Cooke
Tyson, Hope and Einstein
[Posted in FML issue 4868]