I wrote this several days ago and I'm just now sending... it's probably
too old to matter but here's what I thought..  and now I'm tired of
gutting it... so I'm splitting it
On credentials I have to agree with John here..  why does anyone need
credentials to express themselves on the web?  especially on a site like
the FML or even the FHL..  This site is not a professional journal, or
Veterinarian or animal research professional site... it's PEOPLE...
ferret PEOPLE talking... again am I missing something here?
Is someone saying you must do this or that that I advise or else you are
a bad mommy/daddy (ARE THEY??? did I miss that too?-- sigh)... and if
someone takes another's advice as medically competent, even Sukie's,
whose advice is arguably very knowledgable and maybe right on in many
cases, and then practices that advice on their fuzzies without benefit
of a vet's peek at that fuzzy, then I have serious questions about that
persons fitness as a fuzzy mom/dad... [first aid - no problemo...but
medically correct... come on..  we all know better]  I guess I just
missed the people, listing their credentials and bragging either directly
or through denial of their importance... do we tell them to give it a
rest ... that we've heard it and heard it and who cares anyway... Naw -
not for me - better just to carry on...
Now for awhile I couldn't get the FML that must be when I missed the
credentials..  or maybe I just don't care enough if someone is a Rhodes
scholar or Ivy League grad or a 2-year college vet tech professional from
BFE Jr College or technical school, or whatever, to consider it a big
deal or even a little deal..
So enlighten me... WHAT'S THE DEAL ABOUT CREDENTIALS --- and what is
considered to be an acceptable credential?  Let's start a poll - lol -
Shall we discount 24+ years of experience because it wasn't gained under
the tutelage or supervision of a PhD -- does it not count because because
it's not documented by an independant source?  ..  or how about that
college one went to - is it an ACCEPTABLE SCHOOL?  - we're back to
PERCEPTIONS here..  one man's trash it another man's treasure...
You can skip this rambling... In the 1990's People who graduated from a
school of Engineering from a University in a small town in Texas were not
hirable as Engineers because after graduation they were so incompetent
and lacking in any useful knowledge that they were actually dangerous or
shrugged their shoulders saying, "I DUNNO".  Finally the state stepped in
and said..  NO ACCREDIATION... fix it... and so they fixed it.  But for
the previous graduates... so sad - too bad..  back to start and don't
collect... well you get the point don't you... credentials are not always
what they are cracked up to be, schools are not always the answer to
one's brilliance or dimness, and even when they are, at the end of the
day all that really matters is what one has LEARNED..  however they
learned it (University of We're Here to Impress or the School of Hard
Knocks) and how well one can expound it - regurgitate it back...
I have only ever seen one person list or really deny any credentials and
that's Sukie - guess I haven't received the list long enough either.  You
don't mind if I borrow you do you dear - She has experience to share and
I do enjoy and have always enjoyed reading her thoughts on ferret
issues... but as she keeps reminding us..  she's not a vet... does that
make her info useless..  non-credentialed stuff... what's the big deal
about credentials?  Does the fact that she's not a vet matter?  does it
reduce her competency or level of knowledge... and besides Aren't we all
just sharing our experiences and knowledge here..  so why in the world
would credentials be needed here?..  and what do they prove..  that one
went to school or has experienced this or that..  SO WHAT... and Sukie
has some nice credentials..  she finished college, like many of us, and
she has garnered some grad school credits, like many of us, and she has
told us in her own words.  "So, again -- no, I am not a vet.  That is
something I repeat pretty regularly (probably an average of about once
a month"
and I don't have a need to check up on that..  I believe her... but ya
know what..  first -- credentials are not always what they are cracked up
to be and, second there is a LOT to be said for garnering ones experience
and knowledge from the School of Hard Knocks... and third I'm going to
see my vet if there is problem with one of my non-human babies... I'm
not going to rely on someone on the FML, or FHL or anywhere else to
diagnose... quick opinions and first-aid..  OK but who does rely on
the internet for treatment or diagnosis - hhhmmm OH BOY more skip it
section hmmm ... in fact..  after someone looks up what previous
knowledge has been gained through previous research..  all current
research one does is -- trial and error, testing, guessing, working
out and on hypotheses... until some conclusion is reached ..  either
I'm/we're right or I'm/we're wrong to one degree or another; then it's a
confirmation process, production, and marketing; or adjust and retry; or
just GIVE IT UP... so whether gained knowledge/experience is through a
"recognized" school or through that "School of Hard Knocks" I mentioned,
one's credentials are all subjective anyway and anyone can gain them...
Respect is given or not... high monitoring/low monitoring... snobs or
good ole boys..  I guess we've all got to be somewhere... Where are
you(pl)?  What's in your wallet?  Inquiring minds want to know?  LMAO
[Posted in FML issue 4868]