Hello, Thank you to all the wonderful people who emailed me with
suggestions, thoughts and or prayers.
This comes with a VERY HEAVY BROKEN heart with a HUGE VOID!!!  I had to
help Fred to the bridge about 6:15 tonight.  When we went to pick him up
he was totally not there.  We decided to take him home and nurse the best
we could to see if he would respond better being in familiar territory,
plus no one was with him 24/7 at the vet hospital.  And then take him
to a more ferret knowledgeable vet Tues.  However, it appears that he
slipped into a coma.  He stopped peeing and pooping on his own.  They
had to use a tube to feed him as he stopped swallowing.  He totally had
no knowledge that we were even there today.  I knew in my heart my Fred
was gone.
I will miss the way he would follow me around and look up at me.  I knew
what his looks meant, one meant he wanted his pred and another meant give
me my chicken/turkey baby food NOW.  He slipped alot on the linoleum, he
would get so excited and just bounce around with a look of pure joy when
we would bring him in the living room and put him on the carpet.  Oh that
brought such happiness to me to see him so happy and full of life.  And
now he is gone!  I can't grasp that!
How do you go on when you have that one who takes a big piece of you with
That is all for now as I can't stop crying and have a major headache.  My
baby is in the ground.  I made a little care packet for him to take with
him on his big journey..I put raisins, kibble, a ball, and foam peanuts
(the biodegradable kind).  I kept the same packet for me to put in his
memory box.  I cut some of his hair off to keep for me.  Oh and I put a
brand new unopened jar of turkey baby food in with him.  He should be set
for the transition.
I brought him home and let his cage mates see him and say their goodbye.
One was his sister and one was his brother.  We adopted for siblings from
a local shelter June 2002 and they estimated their age to be 3 or 4 at
that time.  So he was probably 6 or 7 now.  He is with his brother,
Beethoven who went to the bridge Mar 26, 2004.
He has his wings now and will no longer have another blood prick or
surgery.  And I no longer have my little buddy.  We would play games when
I medicated him.  He loved some of it but would make these faces.  And
then beg for more.  He was good at the prayer clasping of the hands thing
where he would flick the syringes on me.  I miss my little goober!!
Thank you again for your thoughts and prayers - EVERYONE
[Posted in FML issue 4893]