Geez, I dropped the kiddos off at the shelter (for summer baby sitting,
not forever) and I'm already sick with missing them.  I know they're
having a ball playing with all their friends and all the new stuff to
explore.  I wish I could take them with me for my summer, but the parents
really don't like the smell. (go figure).  Two days and I'm having
withdrawls already.  I keep going to their room to play and/or clean.
There's no one to play with, and the room is spotless.  It's weird to
see everything neat and clean and in it's place.  They usually go right
behind me moving stuff where they think it belongs (in the middle of the
floor) while I'm cleaning.  Running over to poop in the corner as soon as
I've cleaned it again.  No one dumped the bucket over while I did the
floor.  No one tore the trash bag open while I emptied litter boxes.  I
can't believe I missed that!  I must be crazy.  It's going to be a long
summer, but I have to go.  My daughter has a job in Mi, and I have aging
parents that I make a point to see as often as I can.  (never know how
many summer we have left, ya know).
Ah well, I'm feeling sorry for myself today, because I want my parents,
my kids job, and my ferrets too.  At least I know they're being very well
cared for by dear, dear friends.  Isn't it amazing how attached you get
to these little guys?  I never miss my dog or cat this way.  (I don't
miss that d*&^ cat at all!  She hates me and poops on everything that has
my smell on it).  Ok, time to take myself in hand and get it together.
We have a long drive ahead of us.
Thanks guys,
Kiss the fuzzies for me.
[Posted in FML issue 4893]