Linda Iroff <[log in to unmask]>  wrote on 5/28/2005, 2:30 AM:
>This is just my list.  I'm sure others have found great treat ideas!
This is a very good list, Linda.  There are a few things I would add to
the list, though.
My kids favorite treats are Foamy Fries and Cheweasels.  These treats
provide a digestible chew toy, and are made from a gelatin (protein)
base.  They are 100% sugar free, except for the carob flavor.  While I
would not call them nutritious snacks, they contain nothing harmful, and
do safely satisfy a ferrets desire to chew on things.  And, because they
are 100% digestible, they can not cause obstructions.
Gerber's second baby foods - any that are all meat - makes another good
treat.  You can also use other brands of baby food, providing they do
not contain onion or garlic.
I use Gerber's Turkey as soup for my sick kids that get special food.
All of my kids get it occasionally as a treat, though, so they are used
to eating it.  It is always good to do this, as sick ferrets often do
not want to try something new.  And, the baby food makes a very healthy
To the list of treats that are OK in moderation, I would add Nutri-Cal
(and Nutri-Cal like products) and Linatone (and the like products).
Nutri-Cal has a high carbohydrate and fat content and so needs to be
used in moderation.  The reason I do include it, though, is it also is a
good dietary supplement, containing many important vitamins and minerals.
And, I find it really useful to use when giving medications.
Linatone is also a good supplement, providing needed fatty acids and
vitamins.  However, it too needs to be used in moderation.  Feeding too
much can cause diarrhea, and also, because it contains vitamin A, too
much can cause vitamin A poisoning.  However, I consider it an essential
for clipping claws.
International Ferret Congress Health Issues Coordinator
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[Posted in FML issue 4892]