Be still my little angel heart!  The cutest plump white boy emerged from
the light at the end of the bridge today.  He was so thrilled to be whole
again that he hopped mightily over the bridge and then all around me.
"How do you like my Willie leaps," he asked.  I giggled, and then he
realized "who" I was.  He looked around and saw "where" he was as well.
For a minute he got a serious look on his face and he began to turn.
"Don't Willie," I said, "don't look back.  Your mom and dad wouldn't want
you to.  Their coming to be with you soon, don't worry.  Come on over
here and show me how to do that Willie leaping thing." He smiled, tilted
his head, and then he jumped around me in circles.  I never could get
the hang of Willie leaps.  And every time he tried to show me, I began
giggling because he looked so silly.
I told him that his mom wanted him to meet some other furangels to
keep him company.  So we went to the rice beds to find a group that
was snuffling through the rice in search of balls.  Missie, Ben, Bear,
Hannibal, and Zoomie popped their eager little heads up and I introduced
them to Willie.  They wanted to go to the snack bar and get acquainted,
but not Willie.  He saw the rice, and he took a flying leap right into
it.  The others sat and polished their nails in boredom until he worse
himself out.  Finally he told us he was ready to go to the snack bar.
Good thing too because he worked up quite an appetite.  He snarfed up all
the yogurt bites he could find.  It's hard for me to think of him in any
other way, but plump, healthy, whole, and full of energy.  It's hard for
him too now, as it's becoming a distant memory as the good memories are
squashing the bad ones.  This is how he always pictured himself anyway.
When he was snoozing in the clouds in a big nest with his new friends,
I saw his dreams.  Little dreams escaped like new born clouds that rose
into the sky.  Dreams of his mommy and daddy on earth.
[Posted in FML issue 4891]