Helwo Eberybuddy!
Dis is Oscar, the MC for the Nibbles Raffle.  Dis hab been an excitin'
week!  Me hurted my foot.  Actually me didn't do it, Willie did it!  He
be one of da otter ferrets.  Me got silly and stuck my foot under the
gate and Willie chomp down on it, HARD!  My foot got all big and puffy!
When our new foster mom got home she tooked me to see sumting called a
doktor.  Now me no see one of dose before but Nibbles hab.  He looked and
looked at me.  Said dat my foot was swollen!  Den he poked me with an
owie stick!  OWWWdat hurted worse den my foot!!!  Now I hab to swallow
sum pink stuff in da morning and at night!  Yuck!  So me hab not able to
type the past few days cause my foot was all big and puffy but me much
better now.  Our foster mom sez that my hurted foot looks normal again!
Well me know dat!  It don't hurted anymore!
Like I sez it be an excitin' week!  Today is the last day of the Nibbles
Raffle!  We is all excited cause me and Nibbles can hardly wait to see
who da winners are!!!!  Dere are six prizes!!!  So if'n you want to still
get sum of dose ticket thingies, just click on the web link below:
Dere is still sum time if'n you want to use PayPal!  Da winners will be
announced on Tuesday, May 31 (dat cause Monday is holiday)!
Me is so excited!  Me dancing around!  "Mom, when is Tuesday???  How far
away is dat???  What a May 31??  MomMomis it Tuesday yet????"
Remember dere is still time to get sum ticket thingies through PayPal!!!
Thank you eberbuddy!!
[Posted in FML issue 4891]