I think that the main problem people have with Marshall Farms is that
they put a face on a big problem: large scale breeding.
I, personally, do not think large scale breeding is EVER a good idea.
These are animals, not products.  However, I do realize that it is a
problem that will continue on until someone or some company with enough
money decides to do something about it or there is zero demand.
However, if you personally do not agree with farming ferrets, you *can*
do something.  You yourself can stop buying from companies that sell farm
ferrets and farm ferret companies products.  I would just ask the owner
where they get their ferrets if you dont know.  If they are vague or are
not forthcoming, just walk out.
I honestly think puppy farms are a bigger problem; they are definitely
more widespread.  But the subject is ferrets and it is a problem with
this species, too.
The only way you can do anything about it is:
a) write to the humane society or aspca all the time,
   or your congresspersons,
b) do not buy store ferrets, and/or
c) do not buy ferret farm products.
If you simply do not care, that is fine too.  I do not care about PETA,
I was simply relaying what I saw on the link I posted.  I did not say I
believed it, I said what it seemed like was happening according to the
link.  I honestly dont give a crap about PETA.  Apparently, that word
makes some people fly off the handle and act crazy.  I wont mention them
again, even in passing.
Most mailing lists are a microcosm of the world; you have people who want
to argue, people who dont, and people who want to talk about what they
love.  Lets not make this political, folks.  We're obviously all here
because we love ferrets.  Farms are an issue, leave it at that, and do
what you want about it.  Lets not attack other people for how they feel.
We all come from a different place, and some people feel it is right to
share information with others.  If you dont like it, skip it or take it
off the list, am I right?  Let whoever cares care and continue.
[Posted in FML issue 4890]