Dear Shron-
Yesterday, after reading my post about ferrets and hedgehogs, you wrote:
>After reading your post, a question came to mind:
>Is there any animal that a ferret WOULDN'T annoy?  (Other than those so
>big or threatening that the ferret would be wary...or be eaten!)
Hmmm.  Big is easy to define.  I think we can exclude their big nasty
cousins the wolverines...ah, panthers, lions, tigers, Tasmanian Devils,
Komodo Dragons etc.  A ferret might not annoy those *on purpose*,but note
my *qualification*.  I can see a ferret sneaking up to a bowl of panther
chow....not really meaning any harm...while still being wise enough not
to bite one on the *ss to see what would happen.  But still running away
with a chunk of panther kibble in its mouth while an angry panther puffs
up to twice its normal size, and narrows its eyes dangerously.
Threatening.  Well, this one is harder to define.  A smart ferret would
know better than to annoy his *wife* first thing after third nap, even
though technically, she would be smaller and in that respect less
*threatening* on an objective level, but our male married FML readership
knows that this is not a good measure of a threat.  Just beccause your
wife is smaller doesn't mean she can't wipe the floor with you in a
variety of unpleasant ways.  But yeah,I bet they annoy their wives
anyway, just for fun.  Lord knows my husband bugs me for the same reason.
Because he can.  He throws his socks on the living room floor and when I
complain,he says "You'll pick them up sooner or later because they'll
drive you crazy."  Then he settles into the sofa with the remote and a
big grin.  He's bigger and stronger than I am, but I've slowly been
poisoning his Chi-Chi-s Mild Salsa in a jar with arsenic for a while
now.  Ha, ha, sock man.  Fingers been tingling lately?
Hmmm.  What would really scare a ferret into full-blown prudence?
Probably any of the wildlife native to the Klingon homeworld, Qonos.
Short of that, sorry Shron, I don't know.
Alexandra in MA
(But if a ferret bit a member of the U.S.  House or Senate, it would
probably get sick.
Hey!  Bet they're not routinely vaccinated for rabies in D.C.  I could
insist on having the politicians head amputated to check for didease!
Think I just heard the creaking sound of my FBI file expanding.)
[And just HOW would decapitation alter their thinking?  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 4890]