Jen B <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>As for cost, my vet charged $60.00 for the implant procedure (which
>included the standard $35.00 office visit) and although that was more
>than I expected, his office was the only one in my area that felt
>comfortable and confident enough to order the implants and do the
Clearly, many vets don't understand what the melatonin implants are.
There is no "procedure" to it.  It is an injection.  It is the same size
needle/implant as a microchip, and is implanted in exactly the same way.
Any vet who has implanted microchips should be quite comfortable
implanting the melatonin capsules.
I have implanted a number of them myself, in my own ferrets.  The needle
is quite daunting at first, a 12gauge.  But, the ferrets don't seem to
notice it if you have them occupied eating something.
[Posted in FML issue 4867]