some helpful links and info here
PETA has been on their case for years, trying to do something about the
living conditions at this ferret/puppy mill.  unfortunately, it seems
like nothing is being done.  my personal opinion, when it comes to most
matters like these, is that there are not enough locals or law
enforcement to care enough to investigate to the full extent.  Also, MF
probably has enough money to bribe quite a few high ranking officials.
this is purely my own paranoid mind at work, though ;)
To make the best impact against them, do NOT buy Marshalls brand
anything.  Including ferrets.  Those toys with the big red M on the
package?  those are from Marshall Farms.  You will notice that 40-50% of
what Petco stocks in their ferret aisle is Marshall brand (at lest the
one near me).
Petco will never stop selling them because they are a moneymaker.  I do
not know if PetsMart does or not, I have never been to one.  I have
personally witnessed parents buying a ferret for their child and being
completely clueless as to what they are doing.  I literally heard, "We
have a 10 gallon with screen on the top, can they bite through it?"
I have thought about posting educational materials in and around Petco,
in the newspaper, etc, but it would be gone in seconds and not many
people stop to think about things in our society.  You can only control
[Posted in FML issue 4887]