With this new revolution in removing bad ferret products, I am so amazed
and happy but at the same time extremely disapointed.  TheFerretStore
won't remove bad products??  I recently went to their site with the
'recommended' products.  Why would they sell products they don't
reccommend??  And thanks to the person who said the products would be
greatly eliminated from stores with Petco, Petsmart and FerretDepot
taking them off the shelves.  If they did too, it would be extremely
hard to find the bad products.  I am so confused about which stores to
continue buying from.  PetsMart sells ferrets, Petco sells ferrets,
Ferretstore won't take bad products off.  I will continue buying from
FerretDepot however.  I also have a local store that sells great stuff,
not much bad stuff.  I appreciate this store's products.  It's also the
only place I can find EVO food.  So if you are listening, FerretStore,
Petsmart, and Petco, I am personally pleading with others to help you to
stop selling ferrets and/or stop the removal of bad products.  Please,
please think about it.  Thanks.
[Posted in FML issue 4887]