My first ferret Bandit, who is now waiting at the bridge, was the
sweetest weasel in the world.  She would always have to check out
everything I ate.  She would inspect all items on my plate carefully and
then give me permission to eat and she would never take anything off my
plate, just wanted to see what all was there.  She did this for years,
she stayed with me close to ten years and never bothered a thing on my
plate, until the day I decided to have some Krispy Kreme donut holes.
I had put the plate on my coffee table and walked away, because Bandit
never bothered anything just looked.  I got back just in time to see her
jump off the coffee table with a donut hole raised high above her head
running across the floor.  I couldn't stop laughing!  Apparently I just
never had anything she wanted on my plate before.  After that she would
do anything for Krispy Kremes (no other name brand would do).
My current four all have many quirks, to many to name here, but my two of
girls, Mindy and Ashley also do the grab my wrist with their front legs
to be picked up thing, as does my one male Oscar.  Oscar (who in his past
has done his share of bloodletting, but grew out of it) will grab your
hand firmly if you disturb his beauty sleep, and bite down firmly until I
say his name, then he gives a huge sigh (you can see his little shoulders
move), roll his eyes at me and let go.  I swear he is telling me "Can't a
ferret have ANY fun?  Sheesh!"
They all love their rice box, but Foxy and Ashley spend the most time
there snorkeling.  Ashley will snorkel upon request, just tell her to
"Meet me under the rice", and she dives under to meet up with my hand.
I could go on and on with these guys, but just wanted to share a few.
Kathy & Oscar, Mindy, Foxy, and Ashley
[Posted in FML issue 4858]