Last week I posted about the FML members joining together and writing a
story.  Each person who wants to join would be responsible for writing
one paragraph!  I had 17 people send messages saying they would like to
This is wonderful....but half of those people are going to be headed
to International Ferret Symposium in St Louis Mo.  this week.  Rather
than start the story with so many of us on the road, I thought I would
postpone the beginning until we all get back and maybe in the meantime,
try to generate a little more interest!
I thought I could generate interest by re-running the last story a group
of friends wrote!  This was posted on the FML last year - but we had such
fun doing it and I believe people enjoyed reading it!
So, here again is the adventure of Snowflake.  It will be posted in parts
over the next couple of days!  After reading this - if you think you
might like to join in the writing of the next adventure - just let me
Judy Cooke starts:
On the edge of a dark forest lived a little white girl.  Her name was
Snowflake.  She had big black eyes, a small pink nose and wonderfully
pointy little ears that twitched this way and that.
Snowflake's mother told her to never, ever enter the dark forest, for
deep in the forest lived a woman so evil, so wicked, that the mere
mention of her name made grown hoomans quake in their boots.  And what
this vile, evil woman did to ferrets was even more terrifying!
Snowflake spent the long summer days frolicking in the field, chasing
butterflies and digging for toads.  She was a happy little ferret and
life was good.  Little did she know all that was about to change.  One
day, out of the woods came a.........
Handing the story off to Lynda Galloway.
 ....smiling pretty Lil black kitty.  She purred and played with
Snowflake and even let her eat her food.
The black kitty had a nice purr and put her ears up but....oh my, when
you looked in her eyes!  They were gold Lil slits and didn't look
friendly at all!  Snowflake was such a happy lil ferret she didn't
think something so nice to her would lead her astray.
The black kitty said..."Let's go over here and catch butterflies,
Snowflake said..."I don't know black kitty without a name if we should
go so near the forest."
The black kitty said..."It is a WONDERFUL forest, it has yucky ponds
and toads and grasshoppers and even a RAISIN TREE!  Come with me
pretty little white thing!"
Snowflake liked her new friend and followed her up to the forest.....
Handing off to Chris Matlick.
Now Snowflake had been warned not to enter this forest, but she was a
ferret and this kitty seemed nice, so without a thought she loped in
dooking and chattering all the way.
Soon they were in the dense trees and little light filtered through
the canopy.  "Hey!  Where's that raisin tree you promised?  Huh?  Huh?
"Oh, we've just a little further to go."
Over the crest of a hill Snowflake heard a great rumbling.  It sounded
somewhat familiar, but she couldn't quite place it, especially not
with thoughts of raisins running through her head.  Louder and louder
the rumbling grew until Snowflake was able to discern 8 black kitties
sitting in a circle purring.  In the middle of their circle was the
raisin tree.
Boing Boing Boing went Snowflake, thinking of all the delicious
raisins she would eat.... be continued.
[Posted in FML issue 4858]