My 3-year old Male, Rocky has an odd behavior that we get a kick out
He is addicted to plastic bags...Baggies, magazine wrappers, anything you
can think of.  If it is a plastic bag, it belongs to HIM!
The best one was one day when I brought the groceries up from the car,
and went back to get the rest.  I put the stuff away and didn't notice
that there was something missing.
Hubby came home later that afternoon and asked where the Tortillas were.
I told him they were in the fridge..."Nope", he says.  So of course I am
now down looking all over the fridge when I hear him laughing.  I turned
around and there he is holding 2 bags of nice fresh tortillas!  He had
found Rocky's stash in the hall closet!  "But I bought 3 bags!", I told
him.  So back tot he closet, and there behind the vacuum is the 3rd bag!
The amazing thing is that he never opens any of his treasures.  Once he
found a box of small waste basket liners, and thought he had hit the
Mother Lode.
There was a string of bags from the computer room, down the hall and into
the entry closet!  (They were the kind that are tear-apart rolls!
Grama Ferret
Maid to Rocky, Lance and Jingles
[Posted in FML issue 4857]