And Petey TPO..  well he just looks handsome, as only a star can, He has
an image to project yanno?
Wolfy writes:
>--- Oh give me a freakin' break!  I can name a couple quirks.  Lets see
>... pooping on other ferrets?  Little old ladies specifically?  What
>about the fact that he toots/poofs with every step he takes as he walks
>across the room for no good reason at all?  Image.  Whatever!
ROFLMAO your old getting old Wolfy.  Petey Never pooped on anyone.  he
got pooped on my a little old lady ferret.  Sheeesh as many times as I
have had to tell that dang story and you STILL don't have it right??
But you are right about the poofing, He is a Olympic poofer.  LOL
Robin, Petey TPO, Tonks, Sugar Bear, Buddy, and not so Naked Noel
[Posted in FML issue 4856]