I saw a very cool, very old black and white photo of a lady in England,
about 90 years old.  She is holding a ferret!!!!!!!!!
She is all dressed up, wearing a big black fur muff, long dress, standing
next to a house with a dog at her feet.
In her arms?
*a white ferret *
I won it on e-bay.
I just got it in the mail.
I love this kind of stuff.  Who was she?  Did she love her ferret as much
as I love mine?  Where did she keep it?  What did she feed it?  Did she
have others?  Did she grow old loving ferrets?
What kind of life did she lead?  Women were so oppressed.  Was she
satisfied with her life?
Ferrets were used for ferreting in England, and here in the United States
too.  But I do not think it was common to keep them as pets way back
when..  This looked like a young woman from a well to do family.  And
the ferret was clearly a cherished little one.
What are the chances of finding something like that?  The ferret has a
broad pretty face, and looks quite spoiled.
Great find.
Cool mysterious picture.
[Posted in FML issue 4855]