This is very interesting.
Senerio: Someone gives an opinion and someone else (in one particular
case ME) gives an opinion back.  Then someone else decides to be mean and
tell the replier to shut up (in my case I was effectually told that I
could not post my opinion because I had done so once and "he" was tired
of hearing it).  And I say this is mean and hateful because who has a
right to tell another to shut up... well really I suppose anyone does,
but, THAT INITIAL ACTION OF AGGRESSION in the very least is rude and
Now people who stand up and say, "please (and yes please was used) don't
tell me what to post, this matter is very important to me, just bypass my
post if you don't like my message", are attacked aggressively and also
passive aggressively by people who call other people cowards and bullies
and other inflamatory comments like "ignore the Texas heat", how $@#)($
rude are you going to get?  That is an aimed comment of hateful rudeness,
yet I'm the one being accused of being hateful for saying, "don't tell me
what I can post..  just skip my messages".
I'm sorry if this offends anyone but I find a person who can not figure
out to change the channel or skip the post but rather continue to mouth
off to be the problem.  GIVE IT A REST.  I was the one attacked, I
handled it for myself, you did not need to get invovled and in fact you
are telling everyone to ignore me..  so why don't you take your own
advice?  But no you are continuing by being passive aggressive... You are
the person who attacks and flames.  I find that to be incredible idiocy.
Sigh!  By the way a summary definition of passive aggressive is pretty
much one who sneak attacks or back-stabs or otherwise attacks one
aggressively but in a backhanded manner, example - snide remarks /
another example- Innuendoes.  CAN'T YOU LET IT DIE?  Can't you let a
person defend themselves without your attack and can't you let it go
when the attacked person let's it go.
While the situation involving me, in particular, finally died down,
because I quit responding to the people who were attacking me, there
STILL are people who are attacking me.  WHY?  This as much as a week or
two later.  WHAT IS YOUR POINT?  Your words are phrased to make you look
sweet and endearing, but all you are doing with your barbs is fanning
coals to reignite flames.  If that was too vague for you to understand
please let me know.  I'd rather be blunt and to the point, because of all
the confusion and anamosity that Euphemisms create, in spite of people
freaking out and quivering because the euphemisms were NOT used.
To continue..  in short..  these perpetuators of grief (the people who
will not let it go) apparently seem not see how they are taking jabs at
someone to be hateful, I REPEAT... TO BE HATEFUL... to see what happens -
to stir up ill-feelings - THEY are infact the trouble-makers because all
they want to do is fight yet accuse others of being the fighters.  And as
I read the name listed on those "jabs" I see among others one person who
is frequently very vocal who seems to me to be trying to kick a dead
horse... Am I reading this wrong?  Maybe I'm wrong, but when someone gets
ugly to another I feel that a person has a right, yes a right, to defend
themselves.  And I also believe that anyone else who wants to "join in"
"chime in" and take sides is no better than the original bully, who tried
to control what another can post.  SO if you want to say something to me
say it to ME but quit hiding in shadows and playing this game.  Grow a
back-bone.  If you want to be rude, or hateful, at least have the
character and fortitude to be mature about it.  Passive aggressiveness
is not maturity.
[Moderator's note: I'm confused, but maybe someone else won't be.  Though
I did just remember a note from Vicki I promised I'd reply to and never
did -- I'm sorry, Vicki, I will look for it and reply.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 4854]