I loved the films strips by Laura Holland.  Thanks so much for sharing
them.  My Mom is old and in bed a lot.  The pain keeps her from having
fun.  Those films made her laugh and laugh.  Then I had to play them
over again and again.  It is so wonderful to see her so happy, Thank
You Laura!!!!
I love the tunnel on a stair, but we have no stairs--not a problem!  I am
going to build a staircase to nowhere and put a tunnel on it (and if I
keep this idea up, I will have my own 'Ferret Winchester Mystery House--
ha ha ha).  I also want to build a ferret post (like a cat scratching
post but more accessible for ferrets, places to hide and climb up, then
another tunnel slide at the top.  This one I can take outside.  I fenced
in an area 40 ft. by 30 ft. outside the back door so I can let the
critters out.  They have some tunnels going.  One is now 4 ft long and
big enough for two ferts at a time.
Does anyone have other ideas for things to create for ferret fun-time?
[Posted in FML issue 4854]