Hello.  My Jillie has some issues that her vet and I are working on.
But her symptoms don't seem to fit the normal problems.  Am hoping that
someone will have an idea of other things to look into.
She is 5 1/2 years old and lately has been grinding her teeth,
experiencing hindend weakness, and discomfort urinating.  She's had blood
tests CBC and Chem profile that came back normal, BG that was 110 one
month and 85 another, and urine analysis and culture came back normal.
She's on her second week of antibiotics incase the urinating problem is
an infection.  An ultrasound showed beginning heart disease (moderate
aortic valve insufficiency) and chronic renal disease (left kidney mildly
dilated and contains multiple cortical cysts) (right kidney normal except
for hyperechoic medullae).  There were also many nodules in her abdomen,
which were aspirated and noncancerous.  She also has plaque on her teeth
and I'm wondering if that has been the root of a lot of these troubles.
Hindend Weakness: any ideas of causes besides insulinoma, although we
will periodically recheck her BG?
Teeth Grinding: I'll look into ulcers, although she has no dark tarry
stools, and other thoughts?
Urine discomofort: Any ideas?
Thanks so much for any help!!  I am working with my vet, but there is so
much experience here, it really would help to get any ideas that get us
looking in another direction.
Many dooks
[Posted in FML issue 4853]