>Finally.  We will get together to discuss what both sides love ...
>animals.  We can sit down and hear each others sides and positions
>several issues.  And who knows, maybe face to face we can be open-minded
>and objective enough to understand one another.  And wow, maybe some
>changes can be made.  That would be cool.  But even if nothing is
>achieved, do you see this as a huge step?  It's a seed that we will be
>able to plant in their minds for them to consider.  They will take these
>concerns with them and have them forever on their minds.  It's a start.
>And we will finally have some facts and some base to go by other than
>rumor upon rumor on the Internet.  Not that they are all rumors ... I'm
>just saying, now we can have the chance to grasp the whole picture.
Wolfy; I too see this meeting this meeting as an avenue of hope.  I also
believe that the common ground here, is "the ferrets".  This meeting of
suppliers and the consumers can be the vehicles of progress; or the
disastrous collision of the two.  This can be a "win-win" opportunity for
both sides of this equation; BUT, only if certain factions enter into
this dialog with a purposeful hope of mutual helpfulness, and with the
ferrets as the central benefactor.  Agendas and egos are self serving to
individual ideology and will serve only to further divide these two
Thee ferret community needs responsible breeders, and breeders need
responsible clients.  We all must recognize the fact that responsible
selective breeding is the real future of healthy, long lived pet ferrets.
Careful selection of breeder ferrets and selective selling to further
the lines of healthy breeding ferrets are imperative in lineage.  On the
other hand, there is also a need for the so called, "convenience" or "Pet
Shop" ferret.  Not everyone can nor wants to breed ferrets; so altered
ferrets are the answer.  Not everyone lives in a private home, and most
apartment complexes have ambiguous rules about noxious odors within the
apartments; thus the need for descented ferrets.
Somewhere in the middle of all this, lie the ferret shelters.  These
"shelter" people take on the awesome responsibility of the errors of both
sides of the equation.  Is prepubescent spay/neuter and/or descenting
wrong?  For some, Yes; for others, No.  We should embrace and love these
fur kids, regardless of where they come from.  These "fur kids" are just
like "skin kids" in regards to origin or lineage; They all have the same
Will we all come together for purpose of learning and sharing for the
greater good of our ferrets?  I can only hope so
Dooks and  Blessings,
Rick White
[Posted in FML issue 4852]