A few days ago, I posted asking for prayers and good thoughts for my
ferret, Winston, because he had just had surgery for his insulinoma.
It's now been five days since his surgery, and he's doing wonderfully.
We brought him home the night before last, and my boyfriend and I both
had tears in our eyes when the vet brought him into the room, because we
had been so scared that the day we dropped him off at the vet might be
the last day we would ever see him on this side of the bridge.  He was
a little weak and tired that night, but after two days of sleeping and
eating and a little more sleeping, the little fuzzbutt is now able to
scurry across the room almost as quickly as our other ferret, Neville.
Of course, he's still got a ways to go before he's 100%, but we all
believe that he's going to be okay.  He's a pretty tough little guy!
I just wanted to thank everyone who sent us good wishes, thoughts and
prayers.  We appreciated them more than you know.
Dani, Mike and Winston
[Posted in FML issue 4851]