An elegant DEW showed up today named Sparky.  She is a pretty lady and
she wore a tiny backpack.  As she walked across the worn boards of the
bridge, Bandit, Smokey, Puff, Shammy, and Zeke stood next to me smiling
at her.  She danced around and ran towards them and looked for one more
friend ... Barney.  But Barney wasn't there.  Smokey consoled her and
told her that he was indeed here but that she'd see him later.
I introduced myself, and I just had to know what was in that pack!  She
proudly opened it up to show a soft hammy and two wonderful blankies.
Smokey's eyes got big and Bandit rubbed his face in them trying to catch
a scent of their mommy.  She packed them back up and asked if we could go
on to find Barney.
I swear it felt like it got warmer as we walked on and all these little
souls got reacquainted once again.  And for a minute I could swear that
it got brighter out.  That's when Sparky shouted out, "Barney!"  Barney
had prepared a picnic for everyone under a dogwood tree.  There were
bowls of soup, kibbles, treats, foamy fries, ferretone, yogis, pizza, and
piles of blankies.  They all dashed to their places that Barney had set
out for them.  Now I know why Barney is called "Sunshine".  Sparky was
treated like a queen for that day.  And she deserved it.  She made her
home in a soft cloud.  That is where her pack is now.  Her blankies.  Her
hammie carefully hung.  And she made sure that there was plenty of room
for her friends so snuggle in.  When I last saw her, she was sitting on
that cloud with a bunch of youngsters ... telling them stories about all
her years on earth and all her adventures.
[Posted in FML issue 4850]