Wow, Saraferret, this story goes back to 1994.  I kept a beautiful sable
ferret named Gino for what was supposed to be six weeks and instead
stretched almost to a year.  Gino and my Sylvia girl, a pretty DEW became
best friends and as the months went by I decided I could not give Gino
up when and if his boy ever came back for him.  When his owner came back
for him I refused until Gino heard Chris's voice and came running out the
hallway as fast as he could go.  He went crazy seeing his boy again.  I
told the boy I would give him back with certain conditions, that he would
let me stay in touch and if he changed his mind I would get Gino back.
The boy did not honor either of these requests and Gino wound up with a
stranger or so I heard years later.  Sylvia grieved that Gino was gone
and I was so stupid I had Chris take him out when they were all sleeping
so she never knew what happened to him.  Will you let me know if Sylvia
and her Gino are together again.  I know that Gino would have died by
now and Sylvia died long ago.
Also, Saraferret, I sure hope your mommy is feeling better.
[Posted in FML issue 4849]