Being a shelter mom is not always a joyous position.
I have some sad news to share.  Our elder gal Curly has finally given up.
As of 11Am this AM she has her wings and I expect is taking the other
kids at Rainbow Bridge to task.  She had given up her desire to be here
about 3 days ago- refusing all food, nutrical, etc.  I tried & tried but
that stubborn little mind decided it was time to join Bear and Ewok and
all the others she so enjoyed.
She passed peacefully today.  I had scheduled an appt for her for this Am
if needed.  I held her last night until 2:30 AM hoping she could pass on
her own, She was NOT in pain but finally this AM at 10:30 I took her over
to the vet so she could help her cross, it took only 2 seconds - she was
certainly ready.  Before I could even tell the tale of her arrival at
Ferret Wise she had faded from her earthly presence while in my arms.
SIgh... I wish they could live on forever
THANK You list readers who support our fosters program.  It allows us to
provide food, suppliments treats and allows us to bring these lost ones
back after they have crossed by allowing funds for cremation.  It seems
like we have lost too many too soon this Spring.
I sure will miss her as will her elder cagemate Harry..
Alicia  D., shelter Mom
[Posted in FML issue 4848]