Spring is here and the air is sweet.  The ferrets miss the snow, but
it's snowing flower petals from the cherry trees here and we get to enjoy
that.  While I stood waiting on an arrival named Puff, the pink petals
blew all around me and the white dandelion parachutes drifted in the
wind.  The bridge creaked with every step from our new little one as he
I ran up to him, introduced myself, but before I could go on to explain
more, he already told me he had guessed where he was.  I confirmed his
thoughts.  And after a bit of time adjusting, I changed the subject by
asking him if he wanted to come look for some friends before we looked at
the sites up here.  I told him that the ferrets to be found were Deesel
and a gang of three named Tally, Bailey and Fane.  He perked up with the
thought of having that many lovies surrounding him and we began trekking
through the meadow to meet up with them.
Puff had acquired very fluffy wings when he crossed and it was hard to
not stare.  But I resisted and we ran through the daisies to go to find
his pals.  We found Deesel in laundry mountain with some unders piled on
his head.  Puff giggled and pulled them off and they took a few minutes
to say hello.  Deesel said he knew where the others were, and so we flew
off after his lead.
A football game was in full swing, and the three musketeers were in the
defensive line.  Deesel explained the game to Puff and they joined up
during half time.  Third quarter started and with Deesel and Puff also in
the game, chaos ensued.  The football was intercepted, and Puff ran up to
his own team mate to swipe the ball.  Deesel helped and Tally, Bailey and
Fane ran after them trying to retrieve the ball.  Everyone else threw up
their hands, got tired of waiting on them all to return, and found
another football to continue the play.  Second string took their places.
Puff and Deesel hid in the clouds with the ball while the other three dug
and searched for them.  But they couldn't stand it any longer and they
popped their heads out and lunged at the three.  They all made quite a
mess up there in the clouds.  It was a day of poofy cumulus clouds, but
it ended with those feathery, strewn out cirrus clouds thanks to the lot
of them!  That's okay, we need things stirred up around here now and
[Posted in FML issue 4847]