Hi All...
There's a new raffle in town!  Items of ferrety goodness are being
raffled to benefit a skin kid... my 11 yr old nephew Zach.  Zach was
selected to be a People to People Student Ambassador and will be
traveling to Australia in July!  This raffle is being held to help
offset the cost of sending Zach to Australia.
Visit the raffle web site,
http://www.midnightbeaujolais.com/raffle/index.htm , for information
regarding the raffle.  Feel free to cross post, forward, etc & so forth,
this email & the website url.  The raffle begins today and ends May 8th.
I'd also like to extend big Thank Yous to Kris & Nancy for helping with
the raffle & website design, and to Rose & Fran for donations of items
to be raffled!  You gals rock!  :)
Tammy & The War Weasels!
"But we in it shall be remember'd; we few, we happy few, we band of
brothers ; For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my
[Posted in FML issue 4844]