I have a question about mixing ferret medicines.  Mikette gets both
prednisolone and diazoxide twice every day.  In May I might be going away
for a few days and am worried about my Mom setting up Mikette's meds.  I
would like to presyringe them all and just have sets of syringes that she
gives her each day.
As it is when I give them to Mikette I put them both in a little dish
with ferretone and she laps them up together.  But I wasn't sure if there
would be a reaction from mixing them ahead of time that could make them
less potent.  Also, the diazoxide is kept refrigerated, so if I can mix
them, the prednisolone would also be refrigerated and I'm not sure if it
makes that less effective.
Thanks for any info!
[Posted in FML issue 4844]