Hi friends- it si busy, busy, busy here at FerretWise
We have managed to get some copies printed of the 1st quarter issue of
Frolic- though since the copier died the numbers are much smaller- Issues
were mailed out Friday to subscribers & to donors...
If you are not on those lists but would like to read this issue please
forward a e-issue request to us at: [log in to unmask]
We do have 3 lovely ferret kids in great need of an adoptive home -
please check them out on our adoption pics page located at the web site
www.ferretwise.org just scroll down to adoptions and click on the link
for pics of those up for adoption.  I think you will agree that Romeo,
MIllie & Monty all deserve a BEST forever home!
Gavin has been spoken for his family will be picking him up at the end of
the month when the shots are all finished!
HUgs,  from  all of us at the soon to be sanctuary headed by Jerimiah at
Ferret Wise
[Posted in FML issue 4843]