Know what my favorite thing is about ferrets being domesticated?  They
seem to consider it totally normal to be bonded to a huge furless being.
Mikette likes to join me in the morning before my alarm goes off.  I hear
her trying to get up (in vain) onto the bed and bring her up.  She goes
between the comforter and the blankets, find me, pushes and digs in as
close as she can get, then curls up against my stomach.  This little warm
ball of fuzzie - pure joy.  But it amazes me.  A two pound, furry (well,
not quite so furry anymore) being seeking out a, ahem, a hundred-plus
pound, furless being as a naturally accepted companion.
PS Pure joy is not finding their poop (yet again) on my rug, or spending
thousands in vet dollars still not diagnosing what wrong.  But whatever,
I'll take it.  Like they say, you have to accept happiness, in whatever
shape or form in comes.  In this case, it comes as stinky little poopy
[Posted in FML issue 4843]