Tonite I stopped in my local Pet Supermarket .  This is what I found ---
15 ferrets in a 4 X 4 enclosure.  Two small water bottles - one of which
was empty.  Food dish - empty.  One corner litter box with poop piled 6+
inches high.  Only one employee visible - I said to her "I wish you would
take better care of your ferrets" She stated that the litter was changed
three times a day - I said "I don't believe it--I have 7 ferts and know
about cleaning the backin' up boxes." She said "Well, I have three
ferrets." Then I asked about the water -- she said "They have water
bottles" - I said "I know that, but one is empty and so is their food
bowl." At this point she walked away.  (I now wonder how her own ferts
What can I do?  I have been in this store only three times and have found
similar situations EVERY TIME.  What really gets me is that the rabbits
are clean, the gerbils are clean, the birds are clean ---- why not the
ferrets???  Who will purchase a small ferret and give it a forever home
if they are kept like this??
There was a blaze ferret who seemed to have a problem with its left front
leg.  I had to leave -- cause I wanted to take them all home.
I know that the FML folks have made some impact on other problems like
this around the country - please help!  Tell me what to do - who to call?
The store is located at 11245 Causeway Blvd.  Brandon, FL 33511 Pet
Supermarket #175
Their prices are lower on ferret treats and ferretvite -- however --
they seem to carry only one ferret food and had just a few bags on the
shelf = if 15 people each bought a fert - at least half those would not
be able to buy food for their fuzzie!
Linda Z.
[Posted in FML issue 4842]