Today my fur kids all went to their first vet visit.  As many of you
know - my poor Sparky was neglected (to put it lightly) before he adopted
me.  He was so happy with what the vet told him today that he wanted to
share the good news with everyone himself:
Hewwo eweryone!  My name is Sparky and I am 1 years old and I am 2 pounds
10 ounces big!  Mama says I am her big boy!  The doctor man tolds me
today that I am looking gweat!  He even bwought in another doctor lady
to see me!  He tolds her "dis is what a hearty, healfy purrfect zample of
a boy ferret should wook wike!" Now since I was so badwy tak-ed care of
befowr I fownd my mama, I was vewy happy to hear dis!  The doctor man
gived me two shots - one for a bad temper (that I don't tink I has) and
the other was for wabies (I did not like that vewy much - but mama tolds
me I hadda do it).  The doctor man gived me Ferretone after!  Yummy!
All of my fweas are gone and I have no more itchies!  Oh yeah - and the
doctor man also tolds me that my two silly sistews are dewing just gweat
too!  Happy dooking eweryone!
Thanks guys for letting Sparky say a little hello!  Hope all is well!
Kristen and the Sunny Bunch
Sparky, Snickers and Frito
[Posted in FML issue 4842]