Last week I wrote about the passing of my girl Tootsie.  She would have
been one year old on April 4th.  When Bruno crossed the bridge last
summer I did hurt for a long time.  My suggested that maybe I should buy
another ferret to fill the void that Spunky and I had in our hearts.  So
we went down to the local pet shop to look at the ferrets.  This was last
They had a business of them!  I had my eye on a panda looking one but
wife said, "look at that one Mike, see how she is staring at you." The
next thing I know this little ferret climbs up the cage and right up the
front of my shirt.  I gently pull her off and set her in back in the
cage.  As I reach for the panda looking one this little girl again climbs
up the cage and onto my shirt.  Again I pull her off and set her back but
no sooner that I do that she's right on my chest again.  I laugh and
said, "Okay obviously you picked me. I took the little girl home with
me.  She was a joy.  Tootsie did fill the hole in my heart and brought
Spunks out of depression.  Toots was a Marshall ferret.
Then last week I noticed that she was not feeling well and first thought
the flu but when she did not get better after a day I took her to the
vet.  They diagnosed her with a partial blockage.  Surgery was performed
the next day (a day late in my opinion) were she died shortly afterward
the surgery.  The vet blamed it on an undiagnosed cardiac problem but he
was just guessing.  I know in my heart that they waited 24 hours to late
for the surgery.  They know they screwed up.  The vet even said they
would not charge me for the surgery, only for the x-rays and barium
When I last wrote I stated that I might not get anymore ferrets but that
did not happen.  Again I went to my local pet store hoping for the same
magic I found there before.  This time there was only 2 ferrets in the
cage.  2 boys, a large cinnamon and smaller dew that I discovered is as
deaf as a stone.  There was no way I was going to separate these 2
brothers.  So they both went home with me with a new cage.  I was not
going to mix them Spunky.  That girl is about 6-7 years old.  I have had
for about 6 years now.  These guys are Petersens ferrets and they are
only about 8 weeks old.  Can anybody tell me about Petersen ferrets?  I
tried an Internet search but I could not find anything about the farm.
My boys names are Frick and Frack.  Fearless Frick and Frady Frack.  The
dew is Frick and he is totally fearless.  This has to be because of his
hearing problem but even so you can not startle him.  Frack on the other
hand has hearing like an owl.  A pin can drop on the floor and he shoots
off for underneath the entertainment center.  Frack is about 2x the size
of Frick but size does not matter.  They are doing a good job in filling
the hole in my heart.
Spunky starts her Lupron on Friday.  She is going adrenal again but at
her age I will not do surgery at her age.  When her time comes I will
let her cross the bridge where Bruno and Tootsie are waiting for her.
To the bridge greeters, Sandiee.  Please make sure that my little girl
Tootsie makes it across and that Bruno meets her.
Thanks for listening.
[Posted in FML issue 4841]