Hi all dis is Ms SaraFerret who is doing a gweeting for Auntie Donna and
de others.  Well it seems dat we got notifings dat a furry was ready to
cwoss over de bwidge so I gets up bwight eyes and bushy tail--brushy out
my tail until it shined puts on my dazzling pink pith helmet with netting
and my bwightest wings and tilted halo.  And off I trots gathering all de
business from his gwoup.  Lots of excitement, dooking and carryin ons.  I
thinks a few lady furrys were dere who were not part of his gwoup, but
more de merrier.  And dere he comes and from even dat distance you could
see dat handsome Siamese ferret--wowsie my heart melted and I wishs dat I
had worn fake eyelashes so I could flutter dem like some girls do.  He
looks like he was carrys a big load as he was jus dwagging so I runs out
to helps him--guess he tought I was gonna take his backpack away cuz he
holds on to it for dear life.  I splains dat I is here to help him
Oh okay he says-and eventually he makes it and is mobbed by his business
and other ladies.  He says how did you knows I was coming--we knows all
we says.
I introduces myself I is Ms SaraFerret greeter at de Rainbow Bwidge and
my job is to get ya used to de place and get you all fixed up wit wings
and halo etc as well as find you a nice den to live in.  I could already
see dat dere would be no lack of offers for digs for Scarab.  I asked him
whats he was carrying in his secret backpack and he gots big tears in his
eyes--do I have to give it uphe says--I guess I will if I has to but I
wanted to bwing someting from de other side.
Oh no I cried, you can keep dem, I was just wondering what you had packed
dat was so heavy it almost knocked ya off de bwidge.  He admits he was
afraid dat he was afraid he had overdone it and packed too much and he
tanks me for helping him.  Out of de backpack came de purple dinosaur and
40 white socks (note to Auntie Donna--forgit abouts looking for de white
socks de are long gone).  I mentioned dat we had loads of white socks
here but I could understand why he wanted dem.
Okays we went over to de big warehouse which has wings and halos and
hammies.  Lets see he said, you means I cans have what I wants yeppers I
said.  Okay.  Purple spangled wings--big wings--not the little floppy
kind--sort of like the regular angels wear-- and halo and purple hammie
and den off to de den and would you believe dere were little white socks
strew along de path sorta like flowers (giggle) and dere was his business
gathered by one of de biggest dens I had ever seen--where had dis been
hidden I tought I knew everyting dat went on here.  But it sure was
pretty.  De Mouses (where didthey come from and they are not musteys)
who said dey were housekeepers and honorary musteys-took his hammie and
set it up and fixed drapes around for privacy and den we had one of de
biggest dinners which did not include pinkie mice-but loads of nice
ferret veggies--we are veggies here at de bwidge.  We were all stuffed.
And before I left.  Scarab came over to me and said How charming to meet
you Ms SaraFerret, I am sure I will be seeing a lot more of you in de
future and den he kissed my paw.  I tanked him and den kind of wandered
home holding my paw swearing never to wash it.  What a ferret.
Love and dooks, peace on earth
[Posted in FML issue 4841]