Some people wear school colors, others wear team colors.  Lately I wear
alot of orange.
The 9 resident ferrets here caught a cold/ virus and their vet had
recommended orange pediatric alcohol/aspirin free Triaminic every 4-8
hours....easy enough.  I have administered lots of different medications
in my years of being a ferret owner, how difficult can this be?
Freshly showed and dressed, I emerge downstairs to give the ferrets their
new medicine.  Having plenty of experience in the past administering all
types of meds including Flagyl, I was familiar with their ability to
fling unwanted medicine around.  After giving 6 out of the 9 their orange
concoction I am successfully off to work.  Frequently during the day,
co-workers ask "what are the orange spots on your arm, your face, your
clothes, your legs....legs?  How did they get it there?
The next day I think I am prepared for the little sharpshooters....
freshly showered.  dressed, and make up-ed for work I hold each ferret
away from me and give the orange goo.  I look myself over and
orange spots, and I smirked knowing I got the best of the situation and
went off to work.  Again my co-workers point out the decoration of the
orange on my clothes, in my hair, on my arms, on my eyelids....what!
Never been known for giving up, I wear armor the next morning to the
medication session....a plastic haircutting cape, this will surely do
it.  One by one the ferrets strategically fling the orange goo like a
precisely guided missle all over the cape, christening it's cleanliness.
Off to work once more with my co-workers and clients pointing out the
orange spots I have become so familiar with the last few days.  I have
been baptised again!
Oh well, it's just one more step in the progression of being a full
fledged ferret owner, so I stop to think, "I'm proud to wear the orange!
Lynn Barker
please check out my web site:
my items can also be found  at in
Lynn's Fuzzy sleep shoppe
proud member of S.A.F.E.
join our ferret craft group
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[Posted in FML issue 4841]