>For what it is worth, I have been using Frontline spray with my ferrets
>for 7 years and have experienced no negative effects on my ferrets nor
>myself by handling them or administering it.
>Personally, it is the my flea control product of choice.  Also, I have
>been told to use it for earmites, but I prefer ivomec for ear mites and
>heartworm protection."
When it come to flea controle, I have been using Bob Martin spot on for
13 years for all my animals and that includeds cats, dogs and ferrets, I
know it works but as I am not a vet so I would never recommend it to any
one else.
Not ever having ear mights or ticks I would not know if it works on them.
The only reason that I use it is because it is derived from plants of the
chrysanthemum family, I know that some people and animals are allergic to
some on the plants in this family and I can do all my ferrets with just
one vile
Talking about Ticks
After watching a nature program on the television about the wild life in
New York City I found out that the ticks that you get in the USA is not
the type of tick we get here in the UK, your tick so I was told is a bird
tick, where as here in the UK our tick is a sheep tick.
So the fact that people keep talking about ticks one would asume that we
are all talking about the same thing, but it is not the same tick so then
we can not asume that what you see in rhe USA is the same as in the UK
The man with a new idea is a crank until other take it up
Mark Twain
[Posted in FML issue 4838]