He made it!!!!!  They had him on fluids as long as possible before
surgery so I had to wait all day til after 2pm to find out what
happened... It was his kidney that was grossly enlarged, so they removed
it, and also one adrenal gland.  The Dr. said the other adrenal gland is
abnormal also, but taking that out too would have been too much for him
to recover from, so that will have to wait til another time (omg) ... She
said he was a very strong boy, and seemed to come through ok, if he is
doing as well or better in the AM, he can come home tomorrow!!
Guess he will still have to be on his Pred medicine cause of the other
adrenal gland, but having 1 bad one has got to be a whole lot better than
having 2 bad ones...and his bloodwork was just fine - PHEW!!  Was worried
about kidney failure, but she said he can make it ok on 1 kidney just
like we can....
THANK YOU so much for your prayers!!!  Maybe the Almighty had His hotline
go into overload (He heard from me at least twice an hour), and with
everyone else praying, He might have figured "All right already, you can
have him for a while longer!  Chill Woman!!"  Can't wait to see him, I
know he will be on pain meds, and I will have to keep him separate from
the girls, but I'm hoping I can still give him his couple tiny pcs of
melon to welcome him home!!!
Thank You All so much for your prayers and thoughts, I KNOW that is what
brought him through this!!!
Jane and BeBe & FiFi, waiting for Rikki to come back
[A later P.S.:]
OMG, I am so happy (and possibly a whole lot tired) that I didn't realize
I said Rikki was on Pred - I meant Lupron... My female is on Pred for her
lymphoma...but I'm sure all you ferret-wise people knew what I was trying
to say, huh?  Guess it's finally time to go to bed and actually sleep
Jane (FiFi and BeBe are already sound asleep, lol)
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States' efforts to help pets in need with your free click!
No trees were killed in the sending of this message.
However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.
Look into www.freecycle.org a awesome way of saving our landfills some
space..  Its free,if someone has a iten they no longer want,they post it
there.  If you'd like it ,quickly respond to the post the person in turn
will give you a address...All it costs you is gas to go get it..No
strings attached!
[Posted in FML issue 4861]