I can understand why shelters are not advertising now.  You get yelled at
enough, who wants to advertise.  You have to be afraid now to post for
fear you will be knocked down.  It is a shame that everyone can't pitch
in and help shelters.  Say what you want, but when they advertise their
stuff, it keeps it fresh in everyone's mind.  When they don't advertise,
the people don't go to the web site or purchase raffle tickets.  PLAIN
AND SIMPLE.  This is advertising folks like it or not.  Alot of shelters
offer great deals to people on bedding, supplies, even really cool
ferret related crafts.  Then to be B**** at because they advertise these
auctions or web pages is just wrong.  It saves you time to just come here
and look for what you want, and not spend hours searching the web.
Those of you who are complaining are probably not buying anyway.  You
would rather waste time complaining about it, instead of helping a
shelter.  The last time I knew there was not large money trees growing
outside of our local shelters.  THEY NEED MONEY.  People drop off
their sick animals to them all the time, because THEY don't want the
responsibility.  Is everyone so stupid that they think shelters are
making money???  Why should a shelter owner have to put their money out
of their pockets to save someone else's sick animal.  If they wanted to
save money or make money, they would have the animal put to sleep at the
door.  Otherwise, one ferret can rack up over a $1000.00 bill in less
then a month.  That is one ferret.  So don't say that someone who takes
in 6 ferrets is nothing, where if you take in 40 ferrets that is better??
UNLESS you are in that person's shoes, one should never offer their
opinion on what is alot of ferrets.
Like the old saying goes " No Good Deed Goes Unpunished".  I assume that
when you open a shelter, shelter mothers and dad's are EXPECTED to do
without, don't get family time or vacations, not even a weekend off and
drain your personal bank account.  What a SAD world we live in.  Instead
of complaining everyday about the ads, send them a big fat check to keep
them from having to advertise, it would save them alot of typing time if
you did!
Maybe BIG would have a day set aside each week where it would be an
all advertising day.  Like Wednesdays, so that if there are weekend
fundraisers they would be mentioned in time.  This way, those of you
out there who oppose the fundraising, could just delete the Wednesday
edition without having to do that horrible scrolling thing.
[Moderator's note: OK, I have to comments because I don't understand this
post.  I don't recall any "bashing" about the ads.  Some people thought
ads were too frequent, others thought it was fine.  I don't think anyone
said there should be none, nor did anyone have anything but praise for
shelters.   Please correct me!
But re your suggestion, I'd rather not save them up for one specific
day.  New things happen all the time, plus reading a whole bunch in a
day is probably a bit much for some people and might make that day's
FML unwieldy.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 4859]