Just as the Las Vegas Symposium saw the addition of three coordinators,
so did the Atlanta Symposium see the addition of three more!  Sharon
Beardon, a fantastic person, single-handedly accrued enough goodies for
the Atlanta Symposium to fill a trailer!  And, you reaped the benefits
at the raffle tables!  Naturally, she became the IFC Sponsorship
Coordinator.  Sharon, the hooman of SOS Spokesman Stormy, and her husband
live in Georgia.  She is artistic, creative and resourceful.  Sharon
designed both the Peaches and Stormy patches available at the Symposium.
In addition to her responsibilities for the IFC, Sharon is active in
Support Our Shelters.
Brenda Johnson, shelter operator in New York (Lakewood Ferret Farm Rescue
Shelter at http://www.ferretfarm.org/), joined the committee as the
Vendor Coordinator.  Brenda is one of the early to bed people who is on
the computer at 4:30 am!  Brenda likes *to take care of ferrets and old
people who can't take care of themselves* says one of her friends.
Brenda also drives one of those big yellow busses that carries those
*little people.*  Unlike some of us, she is known as the one who will
answer ALL her e-mails.  Keep her inbox empty and talk to her in person
in St. Louis!
Francine Prager is another New Yorker who lives *alone* with her 5
ferrets, 2 cats, a dog and fish.  She joined the committee as the
Volunteer Coordinator.  Fran is responsible for acquiring all those
bodies to carry the raffle prizes to winners, staffing the registration
table and co-ordinating the Regional Coordinators.  She has also been
known to hook up a room-mate or two.  For fun, Fran *loves to travel...
anywhere there are few people and lots of animals.  Galapagos, Africa,
Prince Edward Island.*  She might tell you, *I'd rather be flying!* if
you give her a hard time at the Symposium.  Fran will be flying her
commercial pilot's license into St.  Louis this week.  Come see her
send some ferrets flying!
Meet Me in St. Louis!
April 29 - May 1, 2005
International Ferret Congress
[Posted in FML issue 4859]