Stumbled on to a great toy for ferrets and thought I'd pass it along.
I bought one of these at a local children's consignment store for $10
and hung a bunch of baby rattles (nothing with chewable stuff on them)
and some toys that make noise when touched.  The ferts went WILD over it.
My Huey even does chin ups on it!  The bottom comes off and is washable.
Tiny Love Gymini 3D Activity Gym in Black, White and Red
Here's the link for babiesrus (via Amazon) so you can look at it:
This particular model has metal grommets, which makes it a lot sturdier
than the models with little pieces of ribbon holding on the toys.  And
new in the store, it's the cheapest model, so it should also be cheapest
second hand as well.
May is a big yard sale month -- keep your eyes out for a cheap one! I
also picked up several for the shelter kids -- and they think it rocks
[Posted in FML issue 4824]