Have you ever tried Revolution? It's labeled for puppies and kittens,
but is safe to use on ferrets and other small animals. You will need to
get this at your vet as it is a prescription product. Revolution's main
ingredient in Selamectin. It treats and prevents fleas, heartworm, ear
mites, hookworm /(Anycylostoma tubaeforme)/ and roundworm /(Toxocara
cati )/. Off label it's also used to treat mites and lice. Revolution is
a topical product applied between the shoulder blades. This will take
the hassle of all the ear cleaning, although you will have to clean the
debris out a few times. I would do two doses 3-4 weeks apart. I used it
to treat ear mites in my ferrets and it worked GREAT!!
Good Luck and here's Revolution web-site
http://www.revolutionpet.com/default.html .
Nichole Grant
[Posted in FML issue 4830]